Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We have worked hard to create a safe environment for all kids that come through the doors at Troutman Baptist Church. We make it a priority to develop a fun and interactive time to connect them to the live giving source of hope, Jesus Christ our Lord. Please drop your children off in the designated locations before the service begins at 10am.
*3 yrs-Kinder & 1st-4th grade Kids Church meets each Sunday, except the 5th Sunday of a month @ 10am
*Nursery classes are offered for birth- 2 yrs each week
during Sunday School @ 9am and the worship service @ 10am
On Wednesday Nights at 7pm, we have children's classes for Babies-5th grade.
Mission Friends: Babies-Kinder Classes
RA/GA class for 1st-5th grade
*3 yrs-Kinder & 1st-4th grade Kids Church meets each Sunday, except the 5th Sunday of a month @ 10am
*Nursery classes are offered for birth- 2 yrs each week
during Sunday School @ 9am and the worship service @ 10am
On Wednesday Nights at 7pm, we have children's classes for Babies-5th grade.
Mission Friends: Babies-Kinder Classes
RA/GA class for 1st-5th grade

Kids Resources for You
It is our goal to provide parents with relevant content and accessible resources to help them raise their kids with a biblical knowledge. We accomplish this through in-person events and activities as well as through offering Rightnow Media, and our digital Kids Resource. All of these are completely free and available to you.